Largest Cities in Europe

Largest Cities in Europe

With a population of 15 million, Istanbul is the largest city in Europe. So what are the 15 biggest cities in Europe? Have you ever wondered about the most populated cities in Europe?

Izmir, Konak Travel Guide

Izmir, Konak Travel Guide

Izmir, Turkey's 3rd largest city, hosts millions of local and foreign tourists every year with its natural beauties and history. It is possible to encounter an impressive historical treasure and a striking monument at every corner in İzmir.

Things to Do in Gaziantep

Things to Do in Gaziantep

With its deep-rooted history, delicious food and natural beauties, Gaziantep is one of the most beautiful cities in Turkey in terms of places to visit. Gaziantep, which is called the gastronomy capital in particular, has been taken under protection by UNESCO as the "World Gastronomy City".

Most Populated Cities in the World

Most Populated Cities in the World

What are the most populated cities in the world, Which are the most populated cities in the world, Which is the most populous city in the world, which is the world's largest city in Istanbul, etc. Be sure to take a look at our article where we answer questions.

What is the Population of Turkey

What is the Population of Turkey

What is Turkey's population? What is the population of Istanbul? What is the population growth rate in Turkey? If you are wondering about the answers to questions such as, take a look at our article based on the data announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute.

The Most Worthless Currencies

The Most Worthless Currencies

Many of us know and closely follow the world's most valuable, strongest and stable currencies. But what if we reversed the assessment and thought of the world's cheapest and most worthless currencies, which would they be? Does anyone know the names of these currencies and where they are?